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How to Keep Your New Dentures in Tip-Top Condition

How to Keep Your New Dentures in Tip-Top Condition

At Saba Road Dental Center our dentists understand that it takes a little time to get used to caring for dentures properly. So, while you get used to your new smile, here are some tips from our Richmond dentists on how to keep your dentures in tip-top condition.


Dentures replace missing teeth, restoring the look and function of your smile. To keep your new dentures looking and working their very best, caring for them properly is essential. 

Clean Dentures Daily 

Brushing your dentures like your would your natural teeth, is the key to keeping dentures looking great.

No toothpaste is required, simply use plain water and a soft denture brush to gently brush and clean your dentures daily. Take your time and be careful to clean every area of your dentures.

When cleaning around attachments be extra cautious, since attachments can bend. Do not use toothpaste on your new dentures. Toothpaste is too harsh for delicate dentures and could cause damage. 

Rinse your dentures under cool running water after eating to help remove food particles and keep your dentures looking great.

Soak Dentures Each Night

Soak dentures every night to help make them easier to clean. Soaking helps to loosen the plaque and tartar that can build up on dentures.

Before going to sleep, remove your dentures and leave them to soak in plain warm water or denture cleaner. If your dentures have metal attachments, avoid using denture solutions since these can tarnish the metal.

While soaking can help to make your dentures easier to clean, it does not take the place of daily brushing. Soaking and brushing thoroughly every day is essential for keeping your dentures looking their best. 

Treat Dentures With Care

At Saba Road Dental Center, our Richmond dentists recommend placing a folded towel in the sink, (or on the bathroom vanity), while you are handling your dentures. That way, if you accidentally drop your dentures the towel can act as a cushion to help protect your dentures from being damaged.

Whenever you aren't wearing your dentures, store them safely in water to prevent them from drying out.

To learn more about caring for your new dentures, contact our Richmond dental office to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists.

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